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Why Sam traded the Big Smoke for Scotland’s charm… and has never looked back

So, you’re thinking about a change of scenery? Maybe swapping the relentless pace of London for the breathtaking landscapes of Scotland? Torridon are recruiting again, and I recently sat down with Sam, our Associate Director who made that exact move, to get her take on the transition. Her story and insights might just inspire you to consider making a move yourself.


Why move at all?

When I asked Sam what first motivated her to leave London, she didn’t hesitate. “It was mainly about lifestyle,” she said. “Being closer to family and friends was a significant factor. Plus, owning property in London just wasn’t feasible, and I wasn’t keen on enduring longer commutes.”


The allure of Scotland’s quality of life was hard to ignore. “I now have a mortgage on a good house,” she added, “which is a stark contrast to renting a flat in the city. The overall well-being and lifestyle benefits made the decision easier.”


Choosing Torridon over others

I was curious why Sam chose Torridon out of all the potential companies. “Torridon was the first smaller company I’d interviewed with,” she explained. “What excited me was being part of a team where I could contribute directly to growth and be involved in management decisions. In larger firms, I often felt like just another cog in a huge wheel.”


She had explored options with her previous large company but found them lacking. “There were limited opportunities to relocate within the company, and it felt like separate businesses under one umbrella,” she noted. “Any leadership development I’d achieved wouldn’t have been recognised, and there would potentially be a salary drop for the same level of responsibility.”


Checking against Sam’s expectations

Sam admitted she had some reservations about moving. “My main worry was about not having access to the same variety of interesting projects,” she said. But those fears were quickly put to rest. “There’s been a variety of interesting projects and experiences I couldn’t have imagined. While the challenges are different, they’re just as engaging.” She laughed as she recalls how confused she was the first time she came across some of the quirky Scottish construction terminology before (like slappings)!


Work culture at Torridon

We talked about how the work culture at Torridon compares to her previous experience. “The sense of community here is inspiring,” Sam shared. “Knowing everyone and being able to collaborate across different areas makes coming into the office enjoyable. In larger companies, teams can be siloed, and sometimes you’re even competing against colleagues for projects.”


Life outside of work

I wanted to know how the move impacted her personal life. “I’m much more engaged with my local community,” she told me. “I’ve joined neighbourhood groups, attended country fairs, and explored historic sites. There’s always something happening.”


…And let’s not forget about her new furry friend. “I got a dog,” she said with a smile. “Something I couldn’t have managed while living in a London flat. Having more space and access to nature has been wonderful.”


Financial wellbeing

We needed to address the elephant in the room and touch on the financial aspects as well – its a well known fact that salaries in London are higher for comparable roles. Sam initially moved with a similar salary to what she had in London, but she feels better off overall. “Even with differences in taxes and travel expenses, my quality of life is significantly improved,” she explained. “I have a nicer property and more disposable income to enjoy life outside of work.”


Advice for those considering the move

If you’re on the fence about making a similar move, Sam has some words of wisdom:


“Do your research,” she emphasised. “Scotland offers a variety of living options, from bustling cities to peaceful countryside. Figure out what suits you best.”


She also highlighted the importance of maintaining professional networks. “Keep in touch with your contacts,” she advised. “You never know when those relationships might come in handy.”


Looking ahead

Sam is optimistic about her future with Torridon. “I’m excited about contributing to the company’s growth,” she said. “Being part of a team where my voice matters is fulfilling.”


On a personal note, she’s looking forward to exploring more of what Scotland has to offer. “There’s a richness here—in culture, in nature, in opportunities—that you don’t find elsewhere,” she reflected.


Wrapping up

So, there you have it. Sam’s journey from the city streets of London to the beautiful (but often wet!) landscapes of Scotland shows that sometimes, a change of scenery can lead to unexpected rewards. Whether it’s for a better work-life balance, professional growth, or simply a fresh start, moving to Scotland and joining a company like Torridon might just be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.


About the author

Why Sam traded the Big Smoke for Scotland’s charm… and has never looked back

David Shaw

Director at Torridon | Chartered Quantity Surveyor

Cost consultancy expert specialising in commercial refurbishment and fit-out projects

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