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From setback to success… Ethan’s journey at Torridon

So, you’re curious about what it’s like to be an Assistant Surveyor at Torridon? Let me tell you about Ethan, one of our team members who’s been making great progress since he joined us.


Ethan was actually supposed to join us during the summer of 2020 as a placement student. Then COVID happened, and like many plans that year, things got shuffled around. But we reconnected, and in January 2021, he started working with us two days a week while finishing up his university studies. It was a good fit—he got to see how what he was learning at university applied directly to the projects we were tackling.


By the summer of 2021, Ethan joined us full-time. When I asked him what makes his workday enjoyable, he mentioned the atmosphere in the office. “Just being in the office, catching up with people, and working through projects together,” he said. It’s the collaborative environment that makes a difference.


Outside of work, Ethan keeps active, and has a solid gym routine that helps him unwind after a day at the desk. He’s also recently taken up paddle tennis—a sport he originally discovered on holiday with friends. For him it’s not just about staying fit but also about teamwork and communication, skills that naturally overlap with his professional life.


One project Ethan is particularly proud of is the work he did at Dumbarnie Golf Links. He was heavily involved in constructing the halfway house and meet-and-greet facilities. “It was meaningful because I was involved in most of it,” he told me. With the project starting in 2022, he handled everything from cost plans and estimates to procurement and site visits. It was his first time taking on such a significant role, and he stepped up to the challenge.


I asked if he was nervous about taking on that responsibility. “I wouldn’t say I was too nervous,” he said. “Working with Kenny over the years prepared me to take on that ownership.” Having that foundational knowledge of the project helped build his confidence. He admitted that the first meeting was a bit daunting, but once he got to know everyone, it became more of a conversation.


We talked about lessons learned since starting his career here. Time management came up. At first, he didn’t use his Outlook calendar much, but as he took on more projects, he quickly realised the importance of having time booked out for important activities. “If you have everything you need to do that week in your calendar, you can see what’s coming up and manage your time better,” he said.


Teamwork is a big part of life at Torridon. Ethan mentioned enjoying various team activities we’ve done including Top Golf, Fringe events, Ninja Warrior, CSR days, and more. “Doing a lot of things together brings everyone closer,” he noted, and these experiences not only make work more enjoyable but also help strengthen collaboration on projects.


Ethan is focused on getting chartered next. He’s balancing work and studying, aiming to achieve this milestone in the next year. “I’ve got into a good routine with it,” he said. The momentum helps, and he’s seeing the benefits of keeping at it in his work as well.


When I asked about his dream project, he lit up. Being involved in a football stadium and community regeneration project is high on his list. “Seeing how you can develop a stadium and build a community around it would be pretty cool,” he mused. Combining his love for sports with his professional skills is something he’d find incredibly rewarding.


So, that’s a bit about Ethan’s journey with us. For Ethan it’s not just about the day-to-day tasks, but also about growth, taking on new challenges, and finding fulfilment in the work. We’re glad to have him on the team, and we’re excited to see what’s next for him.

About the author

From setback to success… Ethan’s journey at Torridon

David Shaw

Director at Torridon | Chartered Quantity Surveyor

Cost consultancy expert specialising in commercial refurbishment and fit-out projects

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